Streets & Stabbers (Black Book/Urban Arcana Mashup)

Over in the Dungeons & Delvers: Black Book community, Darcy (Dettman Junior) posted a Google doc with his notes so far on a kind of Urban Arcana (holy shit that came out in 2003?!) hack that uses the Black Book as a foundation.

It's obviously a work in process (still cool to see someone running with something we did), but he's looking for feedback and suggestions, so if this is something that interests you take a look and let him know what you think!

Dungeons & Delvers: Black Book is out!

It's our own take on a D&Dish/d20 game that features (among other things) simple-yet-flexible classes, unassumed magic and magical healing, a complete lack of pseudo-Vancian magic, and more mythologically accurate monsters.

Dwarven Vault is our sixth 10+ Treasures volume. If you're interested in thirty dwarven magic items (including an eye that lets you shoot lasers) and nearly a dozen new bits of dungeon gear, check it out!

Just released our second adventure for A Sundered World, The Golden Spiral. If a snail-themed dungeon crawl is your oddly-specific thing, check it out!

By fan demand, we've mashed all of our 10+ Treasure volumes into one big magic item book, making it cheaper and more convenient to buy in print (which you can now do).

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